Wednesday, October 20, 2010

19th October

On 19th attended CAT. DM Sharma's case was taken up at 2pm. The tribunal asked Sh. Sumit Bharadwaj, Adv. Supreme Court,to start the case. He could not do it well as he expected to commence from the point at which he left on the previous date. The advocate of the respondent volunteered to do it.Sh. Bharadwaj could not even clarify the points raised by the 2 members of the tribunal. It was a poor show. The pagination of his file did not match to the file in the tribunal. So the members were finding it difficult to take out references to various documents, necessary to understand the case. But the members said that on the grounds of parity and equity and a case law of the tribunal the applicant had a case for consideration. They directed the advocate of the respondent to consider seniority to the applicant either from the date of the deputation or absorption in CBI. The members also desired to know if CBI had appealed against ruling of the tribunal quoted by the advocate of Sh. DM Sharma.The advocate of the respondent said he would need a week time to find it out.The case was adjourned to 10th November. Outside the tribunal I suggested to Sh. Bharadwaj to page the case file after inspection of the case file maintained in the tribunal.I informed him that I would be out of station on 10th November.I'll request Sh.Atiar Singh Dey to be present in the hearing of the case on 10th. He has assisted me and knows all the relevant points of the case quite well.
Retired to sleep at 11pm.

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