Monday, January 24, 2022

 11 to 24th: Trip to Sangam with mother-in-law

An extract from my WhatsApp on memorable trip with my mother-in-law to Sangam on Makarsankranti day in 1976,addressed to Bina dated 14th Jan,2022: "Yes a memorable trip. Amma (mother-in-law),me and boatmen. Amma had big eyes and a round face. I see her reflection in Pilku. He was born and brought up under her care at Kanpur. In her last months she drew him to her.He had gone to Nepal then. On return he went straight to meet her and gave a pasmina shawl. She was quite moved,Plku told. She said ,'I remembered you and you came'.Later she told Sangita to give shawl to Venita after her death. She looked beautiful in the boat.She still blesses me."

Quotable Quotes :"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."Jimmy Dean


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