Friday, May 21, 2021


Sunita update : She is finally home in the night yesterday after a 13 day stay at the Covid floor of the Medanta hospital,Gurugram. Last dose of the steroid  and antibiotic were injected at around 9.30 pm yesterday. From next 5 day course of antibiotic and week by week declining dosage of steroid will be given orally,  insulin 4x daily. She was cheerful on return.

In all 02, 56,429 corona cases with 30, 29, 431 active cases and 18,70,09,792 vaccination were reported till 20th May in India.

Quotable Quotes :"The Western day is indeed nearing when the inner science of self-control will be found as necessary as the outer conquest of nature. This new Atomic Age will see men's minds sobered and broadened by the now scientifically indisputable truth that matter is in reality a concentrate of energy."Paramahansa Yogananda

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