Thursday, September 5, 2019

4 and 5th Sept.

Late Kaushal died on 7th August at Jaipur. Some days back he had celebrated his 8oth birthday. I wrote on the day in my blog as follows :

"7th Aug
Had to cancel Venita's appointment with Dr. Anoop Mishra, Specialist in diabetics as we had to leave for cremation at Jaipur next day. Kaushal Saxena ,our Samdhi and batchmate, had expired in the afternoon due to sudden cardiac arrest.
8th Aug
Left Delhi at 9 AM. We could reach the crematorium after his body had been put on pyre and lit. We saluted him and prayed for the peace of departed soul. His brother had lit the pyre in presence of his friends and relatives. His two daughters including my daughter-in-law Neha, grandson Akshat and son-in-Parikshit also witnessed the last rites. Came back to the police guest house and after change and rest visited family of late Saxena at their house and conveyed our condolence. A number of friends and batch mates rang up to convey their condolences to Mrs. Saxena. She is shaken and much disturbed. We consoled her. She was inconsolable.  We prayed for strength to her to bear her loss. 
Spent time with the family reminiscing about late Kaushal' qualities and loving nature. Left Jaipur at about 2 pm. Reached Delhi at about 11 pm." 
Some recent snaps of late Kaushal Saxena with me, sent by Neha:
                                                    At 75 : Hyatt Delhi
  At 79 : Sagar Ratan, Ashoka Hotel
At 75 : Hyatt,New Delhi

In Supreme court in the afternoon.
Chidambaram was denied anticipatory bail by Supreme court.
Quotable Quotes :"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." Mahatma Gandh


RC Tripathi said...

I read your blog. Kaushals was an endearing couple and very friendly. Kaushal himself was always cool and ever smiling; his face will remain etched in our memory for life. i had several occasions to meet him during his visits to Lucknow and also during my visits to Jaipur. It is rare to find a friend and batch-mate like Kaushal. The loss and separation from life-partner is always a great shock, specially at this stage. The shock of such an event is great and it is not easy to come out of it. Time, being a great healer, will provide solace and some comfort to Mrs. Kaushal.

DNS said...

Your comments have been read by the family of Late Kaushal Saxena.

Love & Regards