Campaigning in Mizoram and MP ended yesterday. Assembly elections are to take place tomorrow, that is, on 28th Nov. 2018 SCBA elections are scheduled for 12th Dec.
Venita went to Vikaspuri to tie up arrangements for Ram katha from the 10 to 15th Dec. Good turn out in Mizoram and MP assembly elections.
Anand, our nephew, came. He is an IIT gradate from Kanpur. A brilliant person now touching 40. Anjali, his sister gave birth to a baby girl 3 days back. My younger sister ,her mother, was by her bedside.
Our driver, Thapa, returned from Nepal after one and a half month leave. He had left for Nepal on 13th Oct.
Quotable Quotes,"No experience is wasted. Everything in life is happening to grow you up, to fill you up, to help you become more of who you were created to be " Oprah Winfrey
Campaigning in Mizoram and MP ended yesterday. Assembly elections are to take place tomorrow, that is, on 28th Nov. 2018 SCBA elections are scheduled for 12th Dec.
Venita went to Vikaspuri to tie up arrangements for Ram katha from the 10 to 15th Dec. Good turn out in Mizoram and MP assembly elections.
Anand, our nephew, came. He is an IIT gradate from Kanpur. A brilliant person now touching 40. Anjali, his sister gave birth to a baby girl 3 days back. My younger sister ,her mother, was by her bedside.
Our driver, Thapa, returned from Nepal after one and a half month leave. He had left for Nepal on 13th Oct.
Quotable Quotes,"No experience is wasted. Everything in life is happening to grow you up, to fill you up, to help you become more of who you were created to be " Oprah Winfrey