Sunday, September 2, 2018

1 and 2nd September

1st (Saturday)
It drizzled since early morning. Could not go for morning walk.
Barun came after leaving his daughter at the airport for her journey to Bangalore. She has quit Price Water House and will now be joining I&Y.
We had lunch together.
2nd (Sunday)
Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated today. We did puja at home. Venita distributed prasad to all including guards, helps and others. Later she joined it in the park where it was organised by A block residents. We added 50 packs of sweet curd to the prasad of the bock puja.
"While the festival is a time of celebration and fun with beautifully decorated jhoolas, raas lila performances and Dahi Handi competitions, the legend behind Lord Krishna’s birth is a fascinating one. It is believed that Lord Krishna, who was born roughly 5000 years back, is the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The earliest mention of Lord Krishna can be found in the epic of Mahabharata, where several stories revolve around Lord Krishna himself.."  Indian Express dated 2nd Sept. 2018
Quotable Quotes :"I stopped explaining myself when i realized people only understand from their level of perception."

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