Saturday, April 15, 2017

15th April

The downloaded photograph carries two pictures which are 26 years apart. One is of Mishti and the other of Bhaiya's daughter.

Gillo and Gita came today morning by Prayagraj. Gita came first time after her marriage, over 18 years go. Gillo came  once earler too after marriage. This is her second visit. They lived in the house over 30 years and left after marriage. They also had their full education. upto postgraduate. They took care of their maternal grandfather,i.e., our father who lived upto about 87.We love them much.
Met Dr. Chetan. He is 86 and quite weak. But still practises. Also saw Dr. Tej Mansingh and Hariom.
Advocare Ajay and Vinod came.

Quotable Quotes :"The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm." Aldous Huxley

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