Tuesday, February 14, 2017

14th Feb

In the Supreme court in the afternoon.
I wrote on 'Valentine day'in my blog, dated 24th Feb 2009 as follows : 
'It was Valentine day & the restaurant was full of young girls and boys in their best outfits. As we did not order hard drinks, the waiter did not like it and exhibited a grim face. Over the years, St. Valentine has incorrectly been associated with finding love.' According to the Roman Catholic Church, "St. Valentine is the patron saint for those who have already found their love. In fact St. Raphael is the patron saint for happy encounters and it is to him young lovers should direct their prayers for love and not to St. Valentine. St. Valentine is said to have been martyred in ROME in 269AD."

Quotable Quotes:"you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."Mark Twain

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