Sunday, January 29, 2017

27 and 28th Jan

27and 28th
Got up very early to board Vistara flight to Mumbai. We had planned to meet Vandana, her ailing husband on 27th, Ruchi, Anand and her family  on 28th.  Met Vandana, her ailing husband. Stayed overnight with Arun and Sunanda in their quite comfortable and well-kept flat. Ruchi cancelled her program. Dinesh,Vandana's husband, is quite sick. Anand's two daughers are lovely. Had lunch with him and Shivali.
Venita who was to go to Sirdi along with Ruchi returned Delhi along with me at about 9.30 pm. Flight was one hour late.
Quotable Quotes :"I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught." Winston Churchill

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