Sunday, December 20, 2015

20th Dec.

Completed morning program.
Pilku is 47 today. He was born on 20.12.1968. According to the Indian calendar, he saw light of the day at about 05.58 hrs of Thursday, Shuklapaksh, Pratipada of Paush, Samvat 2025 at Kanpur, UP. Venita did Puja in the temple early morning and distributed prasad and 'halva' to all. We blessed him for a happy life. We also contributed to a charity of Fatehpur on the day.
During the year, he bought a house at New Delhi so that we could live comfortably nearer place of work, hospital, better connectivity and relations keeping in view stage of our life. I am 76 and Venita 67. She too would soon be a septuagenarian. As his attorney i signed the sale deed along with the representative of the Builder on 26th Nov.2015 in presence of the Sub registrar, Govt of Delhi. I wrote him on Dec 10th, 2015 : 
"I had tears in my eyes when i signed the sale deed on 26.11.2015. Perhaps the following lines of Shakespeare are true to the hilt :
" When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.  William Shakespeare.
Some say that it is a Jewish proverb and not from Shakespeare as it is not found in any of his plays. The source of it is immaterial. It states a rare truth of life. The Builder and some others said that only one among millions of sons could do it. 
Attended lunch hosted by Tunu and Gauri at Gurgaon to celebrate their son's birthday on 15th Dec.
Along with Venita visited some markets to look up appliances and equipments for A7/2.
Quotable Quotes :" To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it!Charlie Chaplin
Retired to sleep at about 10.30 pm.

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