Completed morning program.
Talked to Arvind, interior designer. We hope to meet him on 2nd Jan. in the New year. As the last digit of our new vehicle is even we cannot use it on 1st. We can use it on 2nd.We can use odd on one day even next day and so on so forth. The idea is to control vehicular emissions and road congestion. The government had to resort to this extreme measure due to heavy levels of pollution.
Quotes Quotable "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain
Retired to sleep at about 10.45 pm.
Talked to Arvind, interior designer. We hope to meet him on 2nd Jan. in the New year. As the last digit of our new vehicle is even we cannot use it on 1st. We can use it on 2nd.We can use odd on one day even next day and so on so forth. The idea is to control vehicular emissions and road congestion. The government had to resort to this extreme measure due to heavy levels of pollution.
Quotes Quotable "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain
Retired to sleep at about 10.45 pm.