Friday, December 6, 2013

5th Dec.

Completed morning program. In the Supreme court and chamber from about 2 to  4.45 pm. The lecture of Dr, Jose`Ramos-Horta was not quite impressive. He spoke mainly about his country, Timor-Leste and its economic indicators. Earlier, Timor-Leste was an Indonesian colony. It got liberated in 2002. Late.r Shri Horta talked about 'Asia's Rise or Fall: Challenges and Opportunities in the XXI Century' He said :"Together China, India, Pakistan, Japan, Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the rich Gulf countries, have an unparalleled pool of know-how and financial resources to transform Asia in a prosperous, peaceful and happy region for the 4 billion people that live in the region that spreads from Istanbul to Jakarta, Timor-Leste and the Pacific Islands". He further said to forge partnerships, build bridges and seek common ground for over all development of Asia.Retired to sleep at about 10.30 pm

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