Tuesday, June 11, 2013

10th June

Completed morning program. Visited Ms. Anna Stobart, Managing Consultant, Hafton Consultancy on the request of Mr. R.M.Stobart, retd Assistant Chief Constable, for lunch. She is his daughter. Came to know Stobarts when I met them during my attachment to the Winchester Police as part the Intermediate Command Course, being attended by me at Bramshill Police College from Jan.to March 1980. We have kept in touch with each other ever since then. During last over 33 years we have met thrice : First in 1980 at Winchester, Second in 2007 at Pilku's  Engandine Street house over lunch and today at his daughter's place. We write to each other regularly. He is 82, looked spirited, hale and hearty, has two daughters and one son. Janet, his wife, could not come from Winchester as she is sick. Along with Venita spent about two and half-an-hours with them from 12 noon to about 2.30
 pm, talked about our families, misc. things and shared memories of professional work. Anna prepared delicious lunch and dessert.
Retired to sleep at 10 pm.
News of the day of the for children from London.: A gardener was attacked by a swarm of wasps after he accidentally cut through their nest with electric hedge trimmer.at Cardigan, West Wales. He became unconscious and had to be hospitalised for treatment.

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