Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2nd Oct

Went for a brisk walk for 45 minutes. Today is the birth anniversary Mahatma Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Sashtri and a holiday. Spent the day reading newspapers and magazine.
 Pumping of water from the deep tube well in the park in front of the Arunodaya appts is suspended due to defects in the electrical circuits. Sent mail to MCD Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner MCD,SW with information to Lt. Governor Delhi, for their repairs.. It will take sometime before these are repaired .I will remind them after a week if the same are not repaired. I have also told Khati who is in charge of security and misc duties in the Society to inform the local MCD & DDA units about the breakdown of water pump. 
A statement, attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, is printed in the newspapers today on the occasion of his birth anniversary : "The best way to find oneself is to dedicate in the service of others."
News of the day : "J Srinivasan, professor at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore, goes through his work days secretly hoping for a global major climate crisis. As a leading climate change scientist in India, he knows that the country and the world are inching towards disaster. A serious crisis now would shake up people and make them act, he thinks. "I remember the ozone hole crisis while .I was a student," says Srinivasan. "Scientists were talking about it for a long time, but they took action only when the hole appeared over the pole."

Srinivasan has reasons to worry, particularly for India. Some of his colleagues at the IISc have done the first multi-model study of climate change for India for the rest of the century. It makes grim reading, particularly after the year 2030. If the world does not cut down its carbon dioxide quickly, temperatures will rise - compared to pre-industrial times - over the Indian subcontinent by 1.7 to 2 degree centigrade by 2030, and 3.3 to 4.8 degree centigrade by 2080.

Since we have warmed by slightly less than a degree so far, the next 20 years would see an additional warming of nearly 1 degree centigrade. Says Govindaswamy Bala, professor at the Divecha Centre for Climate Change at the IISc: "This is the first multi-model study anyone has done over the Indian sub-continent, and it has shown agreement over historical data." The Economic Times, dt. 02.10. 2012 on line.
Retired to sleep at 10.45 pm.

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