Sunday, April 29, 2012


Went for brisk 45 minute walk. Except ' Pramad', I have no other explanation for not completing the morning program. An executive of a company which collects and organizes to preserve the stem cells from milk teeth of infants/children was to visit us to give a demonstration and tell us cost of it also. I was not inclined to receive him today, though I was otherwise free. I had an engagement in the evening only. Now I have given  time at 12 am on 6th May for the demonstration. All the grandchildren, Khyati, Abhishree, Aamolikaa, Akshat & Alaynah have milk teeth. These could be preserved. Subhash has preserved stem cells from the umbilical chord of his grandson. It cost him lac. He may have to pay again after 10 years for their continued preservation.
Venita went to join in the reading of Sunderkand in a neighbor's house. Gillo boarded the train and left for Kanpur.Attended musical evening followed by dinner at CISF hqrs.
Retired to sleep at 11.30 pm.

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