Thursday, January 26, 2012

26th Jan.

Due to the commitment to hoist flag on the 63rd Republic Day in the Society at 8.30 am, could not complete the morning program.Went for a 50 minute walk in the evening, covering about 5 kms. In my brief speech after flag hoisting, I advocated to celebrate Republic Day as we celebrate Holi and Diwali.Criticism is good. But it should not be motivated  by self interest, I said, with a tendency of some residents in this regard...Bitti left Delhi for Kanpur by Shatabdi at about 4, reached home at about 10 pm and talked to us from there. She was escorted by Sheomohan.
News of the Day.Meredith Alexander, Ethics Commissioner in Mayor Boris Johnson's cabinet, London, has quit on the issue of sponsoring of London Olympics by Dow chemicals in view of its alleged association with  Bhopal gas tragedy....A news report indicates payment for oil with gold by  India to avoid payment by dollars in view of the sanctions by USA and Europe against development of nuclear weapons by Iran...In Norway two kids were taken away from the Indian parents as they were found feeding one year old by hand and allowing it to sleep with them. On intervention by Indian Gov.they have been returned to their uncle.
Retired to sleep at 10 pm. 

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