Tuesday, November 22, 2011

22nd Nov.

Completed morning program minus some exercises.Lot of time was taken by the electrician in fixing the tube light as instructed by Venita. Visited PNB & SBI PBB. Met Pravesh. When i reached chamber, a lunch was going on in it. I waited outside to let it finish. In chamber from 1.30 to 3pm. I left my cell at residence. I could not talk to quite a few persons. I did not remember their numbers. On way back, visited Hanuman temple in Chanakyapuri. Puja's driver came and collected bag sent by Ruchi. A letter came from the Police Hqrs that they would not take S.C. Varma's .303 rifle, now with me,for keeping it in Police museum as agreed to by them earlier and permitted by the Govt. of India. I will take up the matter with Commissioner of police again.
Life goes on like that. Let me try to make it more purposeful. I am renovating the ancestral house with a view to use it for a school for children who are handicapped in one way or the other.
Retired to sleep at9.45pm

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