Thursday, October 20, 2011

19th October

Completed morning program. Visited Hauz Khas Enclave diagnostic center and CGHS. Consulted Dr.Rita Srivastava, CMO, Pandara Road, CGHS for cold. I did not have flu or cold for the last 3-4 years. I am having it this year, but without fever and body pain. I have dry cough and flow from nostrils. I have been taking Tulsi water for the last 2-3 years. I take 4-5 Tulsi leaves and put them in a glass of water overnight and take it in the morning. I used to have flu invariably during change of seasons earlier. A French physician had suggested to take Tulsi water. It helped a lot. The flu this time is not acute. I think I got flu perhaps due to weakening immune system because of age. Even then it was not as severe as it used to be before taking of Tulsi water. Tulsi water is an effective antidote to cold and is advised to all.
In chamber from 1.15-3.30 pm. Collected pass books/ cheque books from Mr.Das. I had given them to him in connection with preparation of ITR 2011-12. Had coffee at Cafe Coffee day at Rajouri garden. Talked to Mr. Das and thanked him for help in preparation of my ITR. Retired to sleep at 11pm.

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