Saturday, July 3, 2010

1st & 2nd July

Completed morning program on both the days. I am now particular about my morning schedule and stick to it as far as possible. It includes Vipassana meditation, Pranayam, Asans, Exercises & walk. On 2nd visited Kumarmangalam World School at Vikaspuri to organize some hobby classes for Abhishree & Amolikaa for 2 weeks when they will be staying with us. There is arrangement for swimming classes at Khazan Singh Academy near JNU. Efforts are made to organize riding classes in an Army unit in Delhi cant. Sh. Madbhagwat katha by Swami Krishnanandji Maharaj is being telecast live in Sanskar tv. Heard it from 3.30 to 7 pm.


Haddock said...

All said and done Yoga is the best exercise.

DNS said...

Yoga is a comprehensive word. It includes meditation, pranayam % asans. But on top of it some physical exercise in any form such as walk, games etc. are also necessary to open up the metabolism of the body to receive energies from the elements of nature such as air, sun etc. So yoga has to be coupled with some form of exercise for at least 40-45 mins for the purpose. Yoga makes body supple and mind sharp & alert. Exercises give requisite energies which the body takes from the elements of nature. Hence exercises in the open are recommended as against those which are done in the gyms.