Wednesday, May 19, 2010

15th to 25th March

I could not write blog regularly from 15th to 25th March. I visited Chandigarh for hearing in the High Court of Punjab & Haryana on 15th & 16th March. Venita's eye test was done on 19th March. Instead of going through the chronology of tests done in Venita's eyes by Dr. Dinesh Talwar of Center for Sight, questions were put to me about the same which I could not answer. The Doctor could have gone through the recordings in the computer and found it out. But you cannot tell this to Doctors in India.You may annoy them. As your eye sight is in their hands, you cannot take the risk. they can be quite tricky. I promised to prepare a list of dates incorporating different tests done by him. The doctors, in fact all of us in professions, are highly egoist.
After I returned from Vipassana center on 14th March, I have been irregular in engaging myself in Vipassana meditation .The reason is just laziness & nothing else.
Babua will be going to school for formal education. He is three and half years. Venita organized some pooja in which he and Neha also joined. We started going to school for formal education at six. Things have changed and children are now sent to school much earlier.
Discussed DM Sharma's case with an intern who researched in it. It's hearing is fixed on 25th March. DM Sharma has worked under me. I feel that he is being denied promotion wrongly. So I have become one of the advocates appearing for him in the CAT. On 25th when the case came up for hearing ,the advocate for the respondents took adjournment.

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