30th Nov,1st December,2,3 and 4th Dec. Babloo's 50th birthday.
Pilku arrived Delhi on 30th. On 1st we went to Guru-gram to join Babloo/Neha/Akshat in celebrating Babloo's birthday. Pilku's visit was a planned surprise to him/Neha/Akshat. After seeing Pilku all of a sudden, Babloo thought that probably his lenses were not clean, Neha thought how Babloo could become so thin. Akshat saw him corretly.Vinita lit 50 clay lamps on the occasion.......Babloo was born on 1st December,1971. He is 50. It was Wednesday, Chaturdashi of the month of Marg Shirsh, Shuklapksh, Samvat 2028. He was born at 09.02 hours in Dhubri Civil hospital, Assam. We prayed for long,healthy and happy life to him. Venita distributed sweets to all . We called him in the morning and wished happy birthday. At his place he cut cake to the singing of Happy birthday to him in the evening. We had dinner thereafter. We returned Vasant Vihar at about 11 pm. Some photos taken on the occasion are given below :

Pilku left for London on 4th Dec.Quotable Quotes :"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."Og Mandino