16 to 24th
During Whats App chat on Sunday the 22nd Nov. Amitabh/Amolika,Siddhartha,Parikshit/Akshat,Self/Venita discussed different aspects of increasing number of Covid cases,cold weather,Akshat's prizes at annual school function and all that. As the chat started a bit late in terms of IST, we ended after about 45 minutes.There were quite a few absentees.
We will show the operated eye to a panel doctor of Dr Mahipal Sachdeva on 25th Nov.at Center for Sight.
Cataract operation on 17th Nov.at the Center for Sight,New Delhi took about 15 minutes ; first 7 minutes were spent in removing the cataract with the help of laser beams and another 7/8 minutes in placing the new lens. The process was neatly completed.
Had a over 45 minute walk in the park on a sunny day. Luckily not much of pollution.
In all 90,95,806 corona cases with 1,33,deaths and 85,21,617 recoveries were reported till 22nd NOV. in India.
Quotable Quotes :"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."Mahatma Gandhi