Wednesday, July 15, 2020

14 and 15th July

14 and 15th
Dr. Sandeep Bansal after examining the stress thallium report said that no intervention was required. Problem could be dealt with medication.
In all 9,06,751 corona cases with 23,727 deaths and 5,71,459 recoveries were reported till 14th July in India.
Quotable Quotes :"If you first fortify yourself with the true knowledge of the Universal Self, and then live in the midst of wealth and worldliness, surely they will in no way affect you."Ramakrishna

Monday, July 13, 2020

12 and 13th July

12 and 13th
We had a lively discussion during Sunday Whats app family meeting. We missed Ritanbara/Neha/Khyati/Amolikaa. We request all to make at-least guest appearance on the day. We were delighted to see Neha's mother on the screen for a while.
In all 8,49,552 corona cases with 22,674 deaths and 5,34, 520 recoveries were reported till 12th July in India .
Quotable Quotes :"What we really are matters more than what other people think of us."Jawaharlal Nehru

Saturday, July 11, 2020

11th July

Late Kaushal Kishore Saxena's 'Barkhi' ceremonies  are to be performed  at Jaipur. Babloo/Neha/Akshat gone there today.
In all 7,93,801 corona cases with 21,604 deaths and 4,95,515 recoveries were reported till 10th July in India
Quotable Quotes :" Without peace, all other dreams vanish and are reduced to ashes."Jawaharlal Nehru

Friday, July 10, 2020

10th July

10th K
Talked to Khyati  at Salazar in Austria. She is holidaying  there with parents and younger sister. She briefly told me about Venita's medical condition. She is studying in first year of medical degree at Sheffield university in UK.
In all 7,67.295 corona cases with 21,129 deaths and 4,75,377 recoveries reported till 9th July in India.
Quotable Quotes ::"Anger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is a monster that swallows it up."Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, July 9, 2020

9th July

Venita's stress Thallium test is scheduled on Tuesday, the 14th July.
I may take Carotid Doppler test any day, as desired by Dr. Ashok Seth of Escorts hospital. I had video consultation few days back with his junior. Ashok Seth does not give video consultation. Instead his junior gives for him. I met Dr Ashok Seth last year in July. I always met him once a year and got my prescription endorsed personally.This year I avoided going to hospital due to Covid 19. His junior sent the perception after video consultation by WhatsApp. 
In all 7,42,416 corona cases with 20,642  deaths anrd 4,56,830 recoveries were reported till 8th July in India.
Quotable Quotes :"The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all." Jawaharlal Nehru

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

8th July

We discussed Venita's Citi scan report with Dr Sandeep Bansal , Head of the Cardiology Dept. Safdarjung hospital. His reply is :

"There is no doubt about CAD and the block in LAD. 
The issue is how rapidly and safely (in the context of CORONA) should one proceed. The opinions may vary on that.
You can get a stress thallium done to confirm and go for early angiography."

In all 7,19,664 corona cases with 20,160 deaths and 4,39,947 recoveries were reported till 7th July in India.
Quotable Quotes :"Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit."Jawaharlal Nehru

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

7th July

Arupa, Silku's sister-in-law spoke to us today morning and yesterday too from  USA  and explained different  nuances of Venita's Citi scan coronary  report.
In all 6,97,212 corona cases with 19,693 deaths and 4,24,432 recoveries were reported till 6th July in India.
Quotable Quotes :"What we really are matters more than what other people think of us."Jawaharlal Nehru

Monday, July 6, 2020

4,5 and 6th July

4,5 and 6th July
We had a long spirited chat over WhatsApp yesterday. Silku's family could not join. Ruchi/Neha/Pilku/Babloo/Abhishree/Amolikaa and Akshat joined in. We were informed that London was opening up steadily.
All corona cases were 6,73/164 with 10,268 deaths and 4,08,062 recoveries till 5th July in India
Quotable Quotes :"Citizenship consists in the service of the country."Jawaharlal Nehru

Friday, July 3, 2020

3rd July

Venita underwent Citi scan of coronary angiography at Mahajan Imaging today morning. Procedure took about 20 minutes. We will get hard copy of report tomorrow (4th July) in the forenoon..
In all 6,04,640 corona cases with 17,834 deaths and  3,59,859 recoveries were reported till 2nd July in India.
Quotable Quotes :"Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes."Jawaharlal Nehru

Thursday, July 2, 2020

2nd July

We went to Mahajan Imaging in the afternoon. Doctor did not do Citi scan as Venita's pulse  rate was high. It should not be above 70. She is given medicine. Now she will go tomorrow(3rd July) in the morning.
In all 5,85,492 corona cases with 17400 deaths and 3,47 978 recoveries were reported till 1st July in India.
Quotable Quotes :"A theory must be tempered with reality."Jawaharlal Nehru

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

30 June and 1st July

30th June and 1rst July
Prepared Venita's papers for Citi scan of coronary angiography, fixed for 2nd July at Mahajan Imaging. Her first angiography due to chest pain was done on 2.08. 2004. She was admitted at Escort's on 2nd and discharged on 3rd. Some medicines were prescribed. Last she was admitted at Escort's on 26th March 2020 and after a couple of hours discharged. Pain could be due to gas, Doctor opined. This time she will undergo Citi scan. I will attend on her sitting in car. Driver will be at the Imaging Centre.
In all 5,66,839  corona cases with 18,893 deaths and 3,34,821 recoveries were reported till 30th June in India.
 Quotable Quotes :"Crises and deadlocks when they occur have at least this advantage, that they force us to think."Jawaharlal Nehru