We had a refreshing interaction with children yesterday over WhatsApp. We discussed Babloo's write-up on positivity. Pilku gave some suggestions for further improvement. Silk's will follow. Missed the three daughters-in-law, Khyati and Alaynah. I gave following comments on the write-up :
Dear Pilku/Silku
Quotable Quotes :"What we really are matters more than what other people think of us."Jawaharlal Nehru
We had a refreshing interaction with children yesterday over WhatsApp. We discussed Babloo's write-up on positivity. Pilku gave some suggestions for further improvement. Silk's will follow. Missed the three daughters-in-law, Khyati and Alaynah. I gave following comments on the write-up :
Dear Pilku/Silku
"Please go through the book and give your comments to Babloo.. To me it looks like an 'Ode to Positivity'. Very well written. It has touches of Indian philosophy,metaphysics. literature and six schools of Indian thought.".
In all 5,28,,858 corona cases with 16,095 deaths and 3,09,712 recoveries were reported till 28th June in India.Quotable Quotes :"What we really are matters more than what other people think of us."Jawaharlal Nehru