Attended MHA'S Bureau of Police Research Foundation Day celebration at Vigyan Bhavan in the forenoon. Shri V. Naidu,VP of India, delivered the keynote address on 'Augmenting Police responses and capacities amidst emerging challenges of New Age Warfare'. Met a number of DGs of CPOS.
In the Supreme court of India in the afternoon.
Met Dr.Vitnit Suri of Neurology dept of Apollo hospital along with Venita to discuss a case. Dr. Suri is a reputed neurologist of India.
In the Supreme court in the afternoon.
Quotable Quotes :"Being alone has a power that very few can handle."
Attended MHA'S Bureau of Police Research Foundation Day celebration at Vigyan Bhavan in the forenoon. Shri V. Naidu,VP of India, delivered the keynote address on 'Augmenting Police responses and capacities amidst emerging challenges of New Age Warfare'. Met a number of DGs of CPOS.
In the Supreme court of India in the afternoon.
Met Dr.Vitnit Suri of Neurology dept of Apollo hospital along with Venita to discuss a case. Dr. Suri is a reputed neurologist of India.
In the Supreme court in the afternoon.
Quotable Quotes :"Being alone has a power that very few can handle."