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Vikas, me (2), Legal Opinion, 9:51 am, Dear Vikas Thanks for the opinion. My father-in-law, late Sharad Chandra Varma died in 1973. We could not lay hands on an agreement that he could have had/made with the DGPS in the matter of.
Vikas, me (2)
Legal Opinion - Dear Vikas Thanks for the opinion. My father-in-law, late Sharad Chandra Varma died in 1973. We could not lay hands on an agreement that he could have had/made with the DGPS in the matter of
| | 9:51 am |
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TP, me (2), Impending OROP Fiasco, has attachments, 9:06 am, Thanks for sharing. Rgards On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 9:06 AM, TP wrote: Dear Satbir, For your kind consideration and action as deemed fit. Kindly acknowledge receipt even if your.
TP, me (2)
Impending OROP Fiasco - Thanks for sharing. Rgards On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 9:06 AM, TP wrote: Dear Satbir, For your kind consideration and action as deemed fit. Kindly acknowledge receipt even if your
|  | 9:06 am |
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me, shanthi (2), Inside One Couple’s Experimental Treatment to Battle Alzheimer’s Disease, Apr 10, Sir there is no link Regards Shanthi On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 3:04 PM, DNS Shrivastava wrote:.
me, shanthi (2)
Inside One Couple’s Experimental Treatment to Battle Alzheimer’s Disease - Sir there is no link Regards Shanthi On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 3:04 PM, DNS Shrivastava wrote:
| | Apr 10 |
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me, shanthi (2), Book recommendation, Apr 10, Thank you Sir..looks like an interesting read Regards Shanthi On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 3:10 PM, DNS Shrivastava wrote: A friend has sent this mail. May interest you :.
me, shanthi (2)
Book recommendation - Thank you Sir..looks like an interesting read Regards Shanthi On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 3:10 PM, DNS Shrivastava wrote: A friend has sent this mail. May interest you :
| | Apr 10 |
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me, (no subject), has attachments, Apr 10, .
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me, (no subject), has attachments, Apr 10, .
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me, (no subject), has attachments, Apr 10, .
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me, (no subject), has attachments, Apr 10, .
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me, (no subject), has attachments, Apr 10, .
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Siddharth, me, Amitabh (5), Goa Sailing, has attachments, Apr 9, Thank you... On Monday, 9 April 2018 16:55:56 GMT+5:30, Amitabh Shrivastava wrote: Very good photos. Sent from my iPhone On 6 Apr 2018, at 09:40, Siddharth Srivastava <.
Siddharth, me, Amitabh (5)
Goa Sailing - Thank you... On Monday, 9 April 2018 16:55:56 GMT+5:30, Amitabh Shrivastava wrote: Very good photos. Sent from my iPhone On 6 Apr 2018, at 09:40, Siddharth Srivastava <
|  | Apr 9 |
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RC Tripathi, Remarkable speech, Apr 9, Tried several times, download failed. Love & Regards, RC Tripathi, Lucknow On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 9:03 AM, DNS Shrivastava wrote: This is worth listening in. Our.
RC Tripathi
Remarkable speech - Tried several times, download failed. Love & Regards, RC Tripathi, Lucknow On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 9:03 AM, DNS Shrivastava wrote: This is worth listening in. Our
| | Apr 9 |
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Srivastava neha, Screenshot 2018-04-09 at 10.50.45 AM, Apr 9, .
Srivastava neha
Screenshot 2018-04-09 at 10.50.45 AM
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Srivastava, me (2), Screenshot 2018-04-09 at 10.50.07 AM, Apr 9, If you have not been able to open Babloo's newsletter, you may read it now. Papa Forwarded message From: Srivastava neha Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2018.
Srivastava, me (2)
Screenshot 2018-04-09 at 10.50.07 AM - If you have not been able to open Babloo's newsletter, you may read it now. Papa Forwarded message From: Srivastava neha Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2018
| | Apr 9 |
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Arsipso, KM, me (3), B.S. Das Memorial Lecture, 2018, Apr 8, Will attend. Regards DNS Shrivastava On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 11:28 AM, Arsipso General Secretary wrote: Dear Sir, The BS Das Memorial Lecture, 2018 is scheduled for April 28,.
Arsipso, KM, me (3)
B.S. Das Memorial Lecture, 2018 - Will attend. Regards DNS Shrivastava On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 11:28 AM, Arsipso General Secretary wrote: Dear Sir, The BS Das Memorial Lecture, 2018 is scheduled for April 28,
| | Apr 8 |
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Asha, D, me (3), April Lunch Meet., Apr 8, Hope to attend. Regards On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 10:58 AM, Asha Das wrote: Dear Friends, I guess all of you know that on 2nd Friday of each month the Batch meets for lunch ..
Asha, D, me (3)
April Lunch Meet. - Hope to attend. Regards On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 10:58 AM, Asha Das wrote: Dear Friends, I guess all of you know that on 2nd Friday of each month the Batch meets for lunch .
| | Apr 8 |
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Arsipso, me (2), Passing away of Shri E.N. Ram :Mohan, Apr 8, Sorry to know. Our condolences to the bereaved family. On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 11:07 AM, Arsipso General Secretary wrote: With profound sorrow, we announce the passing away.
Arsipso, me (2)
Passing away of Shri E.N. Ram :Mohan - Sorry to know. Our condolences to the bereaved family. On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 11:07 AM, Arsipso General Secretary wrote: With profound sorrow, we announce the passing away
| | Apr 8 |
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Shyam Suri, beautiful sand art accompanied by a beautiful song..., has attachments, Apr 7, Really good art. And the song is a favourite of mine. It comes a lot in the radio in google music. Shyam Suri Shyam Suri, IAS (Retd.) B 353, First Floor, New Friends Colony New Delhi - 110025 Phone: 91.
Shyam Suri
beautiful sand art accompanied by a beautiful song... - Really good art. And the song is a favourite of mine. It comes a lot in the radio in google music. Shyam Suri Shyam Suri, IAS (Retd.) B 353, First Floor, New Friends Colony New Delhi - 110025 Phone: 91
|  | Apr 7 |
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Shyam Suri, Book recommendation, Apr 7, The following is more suitable, in fact highly so, for IAS officers, who are mostly the retired ones in my list. I have read third time in the last ten years the book The Ruling Caste by David Gilmour..
Shyam Suri
Book recommendation - The following is more suitable, in fact highly so, for IAS officers, who are mostly the retired ones in my list. I have read third time in the last ten years the book The Ruling Caste by David Gilmour.
| | Apr 7 |
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Parikshet .. Srivastava (5), Interview..., has attachments, Apr 7, Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: > From: "Shrivastava, Parikshet" > Date: 6 April 2018 at 8:16:04 PM IST > To: "dnsshrivastava@gmail.com" , "sidsri@yahoo..
Parikshet .. Srivastava (5)
Interview... - Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: > From: "Shrivastava, Parikshet" > Date: 6 April 2018 at 8:16:04 PM IST > To: "dnsshrivastava@gmail.com" , "sidsri@yahoo.
|  | Apr 7 |
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vodafonebillonmail.del@e., [IMPORTANT]: Your Vodafone E-Bill for Mobile:98XXXXXX13 (Account No:138534888) for the ..., has attachments, Apr 7, Relationship No: 138534888 No. of Connections: 1 Amount Due: 880.38 Due Date: 24/04/18 Late Payment Fee: (Payment made after due date) 100 Dear Customer, Thank you for being a part of the Vodafone.
[IMPORTANT]: Your Vodafone E-Bill for Mobile:98XXXXXX13 (Account No:138534888) for the ... - Relationship No: 138534888 No. of Connections: 1 Amount Due: 880.38 Due Date: 24/04/18 Late Payment Fee: (Payment made after due date) 100 Dear Customer, Thank you for being a part of the Vodafone
|  | Apr 7 |
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Subhash, me (4), Remarkable speech, has attachments, Apr 6, Did they react or slept over the mail ? All my friends have reacted and agreed with the speaker. By the way can you share Speaker's name /antecedents? Regards On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 3:23 PM,.
Subhash, me (4)
Remarkable speech - Did they react or slept over the mail ? All my friends have reacted and agreed with the speaker. By the way can you share Speaker's name /antecedents? Regards On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 3:23 PM,
|  | Apr 6 |
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RC Tripathi, Indian Problem ?, Apr 6, You may like to read it . Love & Regards, RC Tripathi, Lucknow http://www.newindianexpress.com/opinions/2018/apr/02/bogeyman-of-majority-in-india-1795720.html.
RC Tripathi
Indian Problem ? - You may like to read it . Love & Regards, RC Tripathi, Lucknow http://www.newindianexpress.com/opinions/2018/apr/02/bogeyman-of-majority-in-india-1795720.html
| | Apr 6 |
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Arsipso General Secretary, Contributions, has attachments, Apr 5, Dear Sir, As you are aware, the various events organised by the ARSIPSO are largely funded by generous contributions from the members. In the last two years, unfortunately, we have not received annual.
Arsipso General Secretary
Contributions - Dear Sir, As you are aware, the various events organised by the ARSIPSO are largely funded by generous contributions from the members. In the last two years, unfortunately, we have not received annual
|  | Apr 5 |
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Parikshit .. me (4), Fwd: FW: March Environmental Newsletter - EMAIL SENT ON BEHALF OF MARK HURLEY, has attachments, Apr 4, The newsletter is in much small letters. I will take a print of it and then comment. Love. Papa On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 10:25 PM, Parikshit Shrivastava wrote: My interview.
Parikshit .. me (4)
Fwd: FW: March Environmental Newsletter - EMAIL SENT ON BEHALF OF MARK HURLEY - The newsletter is in much small letters. I will take a print of it and then comment. Love. Papa On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 10:25 PM, Parikshit Shrivastava wrote: My interview
|  | Apr 4 |
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Parikshit, me (2), Fwd: Your SBI Life Policy 53005231602 is due for renewal !!, Mar 28, Dear Babloo I will pay the premium on Monday as banks are closed upto 1st April (Sunday). Love Papa On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 7:57 PM, Parikshit Shrivastava wrote: .
Parikshit, me (2)
Fwd: Your SBI Life Policy 53005231602 is due for renewal !! - Dear Babloo I will pay the premium on Monday as banks are closed upto 1st April (Sunday). Love Papa On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 7:57 PM, Parikshit Shrivastava wrote:
| | Mar 28 |
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Amitabh .. Siddharth (10), Test, Mar 27, ok. Interesting. I was also influenced by an article I read recently that ratio of lady pilots flying Indian planes is amongst highest in the world. Indigo is 30% I believe.. On Monday, 26 March 2018.
Amitabh .. Siddharth (10)
Test - ok. Interesting. I was also influenced by an article I read recently that ratio of lady pilots flying Indian planes is amongst highest in the world. Indigo is 30% I believe.. On Monday, 26 March 2018
| | Mar 27 |
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me, (no subject), has attachments, Mar 20, .
|  | Mar 20 |
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me, (no subject), has attachments, Mar 20, .
|  | Mar 20 |
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sudershan sharma, OUR RESPONSE TO DEPTT OF P & PG, Mar 18, Dear Friends In continuation of my tail mail on the subject, I will be grateful to have your views/suggestions by Thursday the 22nd March 2018 so that we can send our response to the Deptt. of P &.
sudershan sharma
OUR RESPONSE TO DEPTT OF P & PG - Dear Friends In continuation of my tail mail on the subject, I will be grateful to have your views/suggestions by Thursday the 22nd March 2018 so that we can send our response to the Deptt. of P &
| | Mar 18 |
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sudershan, P, me (3), RESPONSE OF DEPTT OF PENSION TO OUR REPRESENTATION, has attachments, Mar 18, Dear sir I suggest we should rather pursue our case in the court of law. Regards On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 12:14 PM, PC Sharma wrote: Dear Shri Sharma ji, Thank you for.
sudershan, P, me (3)
RESPONSE OF DEPTT OF PENSION TO OUR REPRESENTATION - Dear sir I suggest we should rather pursue our case in the court of law. Regards On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 12:14 PM, PC Sharma wrote: Dear Shri Sharma ji, Thank you for
|  | Mar 18 |
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me, subchsaxena (3), Funny but true, Mar 18, The fact about the channel is noted. Regards On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 9:17 AM, subchsaxena wrote: This channel busies itself with Hindu Muslim debates.!! Sent from my.
me, subchsaxena (3)
Funny but true - The fact about the channel is noted. Regards On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 9:17 AM, subchsaxena wrote: This channel busies itself with Hindu Muslim debates.!! Sent from my
| | Mar 18 |
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sibesh bhattacharya, Fwd: Funny but true, Mar 17, Interesting; in whichever way you may look at it. Regards, Sibesh Bhattacharya Sent from my iPad On Mar 16, 2018, at 9:54 PM, RC Tripathi wrote: Love & Regards.
sibesh bhattacharya
Fwd: Funny but true - Interesting; in whichever way you may look at it. Regards, Sibesh Bhattacharya Sent from my iPad On Mar 16, 2018, at 9:54 PM, RC Tripathi wrote: Love & Regards
| | Mar 17 |
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Shyam Suri, The Case Against Juice Is Stronger Than Ever, Mar 17, This is an interesting article. It has been said by many researchers that juice is as harmful as sugary soft drinks. Shyam Suri http://time.com/5072703/drinking-juice-unhealthy-disadvantages/ -- Shyam.
Shyam Suri
The Case Against Juice Is Stronger Than Ever - This is an interesting article. It has been said by many researchers that juice is as harmful as sugary soft drinks. Shyam Suri http://time.com/5072703/drinking-juice-unhealthy-disadvantages/ -- Shyam
| | Mar 17 |
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Shyam Suri, Exquisite watercolor paintings, has attachments, Mar 17, I think it is a repeat. Great paintings indeed. Outstanding. Shyam Suri Exquisite Watercolor Paintings by Steve Hanks Steve Hanks was a contemporary realist painter who exquisitely captured the beauty.
Shyam Suri
Exquisite watercolor paintings - I think it is a repeat. Great paintings indeed. Outstanding. Shyam Suri Exquisite Watercolor Paintings by Steve Hanks Steve Hanks was a contemporary realist painter who exquisitely captured the beauty
|  | Mar 17 |
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Shyam Suri, Book recommendation, Mar 17, I have just read the novel Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. She is a famous author and wrote very well received book Nightingale. This one has been highly rated as well and has good reviews. It is.
Shyam Suri
Book recommendation - I have just read the novel Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. She is a famous author and wrote very well received book Nightingale. This one has been highly rated as well and has good reviews. It is
| | Mar 17 |
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Taj InnerCircle Member S., Thank you for your transaction at The Taj Mahal Hotel, New Delhi on 14/3/2018, Mar 17, Add tajhotels.com to the "safe list" | View on Web THANK YOU FOR YOUR RECENT TRANSACTION WITH US We are pleased to provide the below details regarding your Taj InnerCircle Membership.
Taj InnerCircle Member S.
Thank you for your transaction at The Taj Mahal Hotel, New Delhi on 14/3/2018 - Add tajhotels.com to the "safe list" | View on Web THANK YOU FOR YOUR RECENT TRANSACTION WITH US We are pleased to provide the below details regarding your Taj InnerCircle Membership
| | Mar 17 |
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Ticket Generated, Ticket Status, Mar 15, Dear VENITA , We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has been created. SF_Ref No: 2318 ,Dt: 15/03/2018 Service team will be reviewing your request and will send.
Ticket Generated
Ticket Status - Dear VENITA , We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has been created. SF_Ref No: 2318 ,Dt: 15/03/2018 Service team will be reviewing your request and will send
| | Mar 15 |
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policy perspectives, Time and address for the Consultation,, Mar 15, Dear sir, This is to inform you that the time and venue of tomorrow's meeting : Time: - 10:30 am. Tea - 11 am. assembly Venue: - PPF Office, K-51, First Floor, Green Park Main, near Shiv Mandir,.
policy perspectives
Time and address for the Consultation, - Dear sir, This is to inform you that the time and venue of tomorrow's meeting : Time: - 10:30 am. Tea - 11 am. assembly Venue: - PPF Office, K-51, First Floor, Green Park Main, near Shiv Mandir,
| | Mar 15 |
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TP, me (3), Re: [IDSA Community] Re: TWO WRITES~~~~1. Government Commits To New Variant Of Tejas Fi..., has attachments, Mar 15, Dear Bhaisahab, The write up lists IAF operational employment since 1947. Army and Navy continue to crib that IAF operates in isolation. Write up is merely aimed at setting record straight. regards,.
TP, me (3)
Re: [IDSA Community] Re: TWO WRITES~~~~1. Government Commits To New Variant Of Tejas Fi... - Dear Bhaisahab, The write up lists IAF operational employment since 1947. Army and Navy continue to crib that IAF operates in isolation. Write up is merely aimed at setting record straight. regards,
|  | Mar 15 |
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CSOI, Weekend Events, has attachments, Mar 14, WEEKEND EVENTS VINAY MARG Civil Services Officers' Institute Presents A Musical Evening by “MUSICONS” On Friday 16 th March, 2018 at 7 PM VENUE – Auditorium.
Weekend Events - WEEKEND EVENTS VINAY MARG Civil Services Officers' Institute Presents A Musical Evening by “MUSICONS” On Friday 16 th March, 2018 at 7 PM VENUE – Auditorium
|  | Mar 14 |
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Amitabh, Siddharth, me (6), Photo from Twitter, Mar 14, Yes Sent from my iPhone On 14 Mar 2018, at 11:35, DNS Shrivastava wrote: Can I put it in my blog ? On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 12:52 PM, Amitabh Shrivastava
Amitabh, Siddharth, me (6)
Photo from Twitter - Yes Sent from my iPhone On 14 Mar 2018, at 11:35, DNS Shrivastava wrote: Can I put it in my blog ? On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 12:52 PM, Amitabh Shrivastava
| | Mar 14 |
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kaushal saxena, Fwd: Fw: Thought you'd like this: Did You Know That These 7 Bodily Habits Boost Our Hea..., Mar 14, Forwarded message From: hl arora Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 6:00 PM Subject: Fw: Thought you'd like this: Did You Know That These 7 Bodily.
kaushal saxena
Fwd: Fw: Thought you'd like this: Did You Know That These 7 Bodily Habits Boost Our Hea... - Forwarded message From: hl arora Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 6:00 PM Subject: Fw: Thought you'd like this: Did You Know That These 7 Bodily
| | Mar 14 |
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Namrata Bhatnagar, Baraut Address, Mar 8, RAKESH BHATNAGAR House No. 5/193, Mandir Marg, Nehru Road, Baraut PIN- 250611 Virus-free. www.avast.com.
Namrata Bhatnagar
Baraut Address - RAKESH BHATNAGAR House No. 5/193, Mandir Marg, Nehru Road, Baraut PIN- 250611 Virus-free. www.avast.com
| | Mar 8 |
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Arsipso, me (2), Article, Mar 7, Dear Rajgopal I had read the article in TOI. Our criminal justice has totally failed. Lawlessness is increasing every day. Due to fear of encounters, there is now fear in criminals in UP. I returned.
Arsipso, me (2)
Article - Dear Rajgopal I had read the article in TOI. Our criminal justice has totally failed. Lawlessness is increasing every day. Due to fear of encounters, there is now fear in criminals in UP. I returned
| | Mar 7 |
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me, Old Bollywood music, Jan 6, A friend has sent this mail. May interest you : "Are you getting enough of old Hindi songs. On TV I was mainly listening to it on Raina Beeti Jaye on channel Sonny Mix (Tata Sky 816). Comes.
Old Bollywood music - A friend has sent this mail. May interest you : "Are you getting enough of old Hindi songs. On TV I was mainly listening to it on Raina Beeti Jaye on channel Sonny Mix (Tata Sky 816). Comes
| | Jan 6 |
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Shyam Suri, What Exactly is "A FULL LOAD?", has attachments, Jan 6, Very interesting. Some of them are old but some appear to be new. Some do appear to be unrealistic. I think they originate from Indonesia. Shyam Suri -- Shyam Suri, IAS (Retd.) B 353, First Floor, New.
Shyam Suri
What Exactly is "A FULL LOAD?" - Very interesting. Some of them are old but some appear to be new. Some do appear to be unrealistic. I think they originate from Indonesia. Shyam Suri -- Shyam Suri, IAS (Retd.) B 353, First Floor, New
|  | Jan 6 |
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Shyam, me (2), Golden Globe Awards-Hollywood, Jan 6, Thanks, Shyam. On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 6:16 PM, Shyam Suri wrote: The Oscar season is coming. There are three pre-oscar awards. The first one is always Golden Globe. It is.
Shyam, me (2)
Golden Globe Awards-Hollywood - Thanks, Shyam. On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 6:16 PM, Shyam Suri wrote: The Oscar season is coming. There are three pre-oscar awards. The first one is always Golden Globe. It is
| | Jan 6 |
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Citibank India (2), Transaction confirmation on your Citibank credit card, Jan 5, Dear Citibank Cardmember, Thank you for banking with Citibank. Rs.5.00 was spent on your Citi Credit Card ending 4564XXXXXXXX8056 on 05-JAN-18 at PAYTM (PGSI). Transaction processed without additional.
Citibank India (2)
Transaction confirmation on your Citibank credit card - Dear Citibank Cardmember, Thank you for banking with Citibank. Rs.5.00 was spent on your Citi Credit Card ending 4564XXXXXXXX8056 on 05-JAN-18 at PAYTM (PGSI). Transaction processed without additional
| | Jan 5 |
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me, Varun (2), Visit to Vietnam and Cambodia, Jan 4, Dear Sir, Thanks so much for your sending feedback after the tour. We really appreciate that. I am sorry to hear that clients did not like the Vietnam part. I hereby give you some explanations as below.
me, Varun (2)
Visit to Vietnam and Cambodia - Dear Sir, Thanks so much for your sending feedback after the tour. We really appreciate that. I am sorry to hear that clients did not like the Vietnam part. I hereby give you some explanations as below
| | Jan 4 |
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be dara (2), (no subject), Jan 1, On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 17:52 be dara wrote:.
be dara (2)
(no subject) - On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 17:52 be dara wrote:
| | Jan 1 |