29th May
Completed morning program. Visited CGHS. Spent the day reorganizing things at home to restart routine life after visit to Sikkim and gap of 8 days
Retired to sleep at about 10.30 pm.
30th May
Completed morning program. Visited Safdarjung hospital, SBI and CGHS. Read newspapers and magazines. Watched Shri Jaitly's show in Apki Adalat.
Retired to sleep at about 11 pm.
31st May
Completed morning program. Spent the day reading magazines and newspapers.
Quotable Quotes : "I did not get an opportunity to die for the country, but i have opportunity to live for the country" Modi, PM of India
Retired to sleep at about 10.30 pm
Note : Blogs dated 20th to 28th May covering Sikkim visit are being completed with photographs and will be published shortly.
Completed morning program. Visited CGHS. Spent the day reorganizing things at home to restart routine life after visit to Sikkim and gap of 8 days
Retired to sleep at about 10.30 pm.
30th May
Completed morning program. Visited Safdarjung hospital, SBI and CGHS. Read newspapers and magazines. Watched Shri Jaitly's show in Apki Adalat.
Retired to sleep at about 11 pm.
31st May
Completed morning program. Spent the day reading magazines and newspapers.
Quotable Quotes : "I did not get an opportunity to die for the country, but i have opportunity to live for the country" Modi, PM of India
Retired to sleep at about 10.30 pm
Note : Blogs dated 20th to 28th May covering Sikkim visit are being completed with photographs and will be published shortly.