Wednesday, July 5, 2017

5th July

We got confirmation of our rescheduled tickets to Delhi . Date of return journey is now 13th July by evening Emirates flight reaching Delhi on 14th in the forenoon.
A dearth of eligible men has led to egg freezing by women to preserve their fertility globally, according to  a report.
It is reported that almost eight in 10 graduates never pay back their full student loan. The sum the average student ends up owing after graduation with interest comes to about £50,800. Govt in UK said that they would cover unpaid  student loan, amounting to about £5.9 billion.
Victims of stalking and harassment feel police do not treat them well.
Charities that pester public for donation could be named and shamed by the regulator, according to a report.
Synagogue membership is hit as Jews are marrying outside faith. Membership of synagogues has fallen  below 80,000,that is, 20% in a generation, a report said
 Quotable Quotes :"There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity." Washington Irving

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