Friday, July 28, 2017

27 and 28th July

Venita accompanied to CSOI. We returned home by about 4 pm after misc. work. Visited Sashis's family to console on their bereavement. They live nearby our flat at VV.
Quotable Quotes :"He is the true enchanter, whose spell operates, not upon the senses, but upon the imagination and the heart." Washington Irving
Venita went to Noida to look-up Anand/Prachi's new born, ailing Sangita and meet Sunanda who has especially come from Nasik to take care of the family. Sunanda reaches whosever in the family is in need of care. She came to us a couple of days prior to our 50th anniversary on 14th March 2017 to help in arrangemnts. She manages things with her ever affectionate smile.
On return Venita informed that Sangita is yet to recover fully.
Quotable Quotes :"Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, shall win my love." Washington Irving

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