Thursday, July 20, 2017

20th July

In the Supreme court in the afternoon.
Pilku's LICI policy has matured. The payment of Insurance amount can be made in his account only. Met the Divisional manager LICI at zonal office in Connaught place. There is no alternative but to have an account in India for transfer of insurance amount,she said. It cannot be transferred to NRI account. It could be transferred in NRO account. I don't know the nature of Pilku's account in SBI in Delhi.
If Pilku's old SBI account of student days could be revived, the amount could be transferrred into it. He may submit details of the account to pursue the matter in Dehi/Mumbai.
Observed Ekadasi vrat today.
Quotable Quotes :"It is not poverty so much as pretense that harasses a ruined man - the struggle between a proud mind and an empty purse - the keeping up of a hollow show that must soon come to an end." Washington Irving

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