Sunday, June 25, 2017

24 and 25th June

An effort is being made to change the leadership of British Conservative party and bring in younger person /(s).
Quotable Quotes :"Life should be great rather than long." B. R. Ambedkar
Dr Prem Srivastava came with his daughter and a friend.  Prem is the husband of my cousin, late Madhu, (Mausi's daughter), who died over a month back. She was a surgeon in NHS. She died of brain ischemia, a kind of heart stroke of inter-brain region. His local number is +447908631632. Her elder daughter's name is Parul.  Her younger daughter's name is Sonal. Parul is an intern in a hospital. Sonal is studying medicine. They have taken British citizenship. They came to London about 15 years back.
Quotable Quotes :"We are Indians, firstly and lastly." B. R. Ambedkar

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