Tuesday, June 20, 2017

19 & 20th June

In the recent general election more than 85% voters backed Brexit in UK. A hard Govt. instance is expected in consequence on the issue. Conservatives have, however,  advised May to keep trade free. Russian meddling in US elections in one of the prime subjects of discussion in press.
Quotable Quotes :"Education is the best friend. An educated person is rspected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth." Chanakya
4 terror incidents in last 3/4 months have shaken British society. Every bit of London Bridge, Manchester attacks and ploughing into pedestrians at Finsbury park is sickening. Flexible working is a path advocated to trust and well being, not an escape route. Extra protection to mosques is to be provided as May vowed to fight extremist ideology of all kinds.
Mixed and tolerant community is left appalled due to the incidents.
Quotable Quotes :"As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it." Chanakya

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