Friday, September 24, 2010

22nd & 23rd September

On 22nd collected medicines from CGHS. Visited SBI for work. Read the review of "Freedom" by Jonathan Franze. He makes 2 points.
1) American culture is over obsessed with personal freedom.
2) He portrays an America where people are unhappy and spiritually stunted.
I liked the following writeup of Sh. Sunil Jain, in Indian Express, dated September 22nd at page 10,"India has a long way to go, and various systems are in a mess, whether in public health care or education. But let us not be so hard on ourselves by 1st world standards to 3rd-2nd world income." Everybody was critical of Sh.Bhanot of the organizing committee of CWG 2010, when he said that our standards of hygiene and cleanliness may not be the same as those of western nations. But I think he was sounding what Sunil Jain said in his aforesaid writeup. On 23rd collected medicines from CGHS and visited SBI for work. In a writeup in the Indian Express today, it is said that in democracies it is difficult to put certain number of people in one direction & that we are not working on our strengths. Rather we are waiting for China to fail on their weaknesses.
Retired to sleep at 11pm.

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