Thursday, January 7, 2021


Dr. Viveka Kumar saw Venita's complete blood count report. He said it was slightly less. Another blood count is to be done on 10th Jan. Venita complained of loss of concentration. Dr.Kumar reduced the medicines from 16 to 10. We are advised to do CBC every 10 days. He said that if TLC < 4000/mm3 or Platelet, count <1 lac/mm3, we have to contact him immediately. Apart from this, we have to do Fasting lipid profile, Liver function test and CPK after 3 months and show the reports to local cardiologist.

In all 01,03,74,932 corona cases with 01,50,114 deaths and 99,97,272 recoveries were reported till 6th Jan. in India

Quotable Quotes :"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."Mahatma Gandhi

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