Friday, January 1, 2021

Venita's Angioplasty

28,29,30,31 and 1st

We visited Max hospital on 28th in the morning as planned and met Dr, Viveka Kumar,Principal Director and Chief of Cath Labs, Max Hospital,Saket, New Delhi. Venita was admitted in the hospital on 29th. Angiography was done in the afternoon,followed by Angioplasty. After full recovery she came to the room at about 10 pm. One stent was put in one 80%blocked artery. We came back home on 30th the evening. She felt fine on New-year-eve and later on Near Day. 

Quotable Quotes :"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."Mahatma Gandhi

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