Monday, December 14, 2020


In our weekly Whats App chat,we discussed Silku's sudden arrival from Switzerland with family for Christmas vacation. All advised him to stay indoors and interact with others only after a week. Pilku bought a pup on the insistence of  Amolikaa. It looks a beautiful furry creature. I gave account of lunch at Tulsi's place on Saturday the 12th Dec.  We saw a glimpse of Khyati. Others who attended were Venita, myself, Pilku,Silku, Babloo, Ruchi,Ritanbara and all grandchildren. We request Neha to join us in future.

In all 98,57,029 corona cases with 01,43,019 deaths and 93,57,484 recoveries were reported till 13th Dec. in India.

Quotable Quotes :"Poverty is the worst form of violence."Mahatma Gandhi

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