Saturday, December 5, 2020


At tender age of about 8/9 after seeing my father's photo in my bedroom at Vikaspuri,  Amolikaa asked where he was.I told that he had become a star and lived now in sky. I too would become a star like him one day and live with him in the sky. She became sad. To resuscitate  her playful spirit i said that i would become star only after her marriage. She said that she won't marry before 26. I said i would become star after that. She was quite happy to know that. It appears it will be difficult for me to keep the promise.

In all 95,71,559 corona cases with 01,39,188 deaths and 90,16,289 recoveries were reported till 4th India.

Quotable Quotes :"Those who know how to think need no teachers.Mahatma Gandhi

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