Friday, November 2, 2012

2nd November

Completed morning program. 
Heard a conversation in a program of Brahamkumaris, telecast by Headlines Today Channel at 6.30 AM. It was impressed that we should develop  child's physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual quotients in a balanced way. The balanced development augments child's happiness quotient. In physical quotient, we have to ensure inculcation of a habit to exercise and play games and in intellectual quotient, the child has to be informed in a manner so that he comprehends and absorbs what he is told. In emotional quotient, we have to ensure that the child has healthy emotions and not stressed too much mentally. In spiritual quotient, we have to imbibe ethical values in him/her. To develop a child as a happy individual, lot of effort has to be made by us. We should learn the latest methods of communication so that the child grasps all that he is told. 
 Had tea with Sh.SS Sharma  IAS (Rtd.). He is in-charge, LPO of the chamber. In the chamber from 1 to 5 pm.
Retired to sleep at 10.45 pm.  

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