Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Dipu along with  Mrs Prasad returned Lucknow today in the afternoon after immersion of mortal remains of Dr. Prasad in  the Ganges at Varanasi.He will let us know details of further programs later. First such program, according to him,will be a 'Havan'.

Today is the 30th death anniversary my father. He had died on 6th April 1991. He was born on 24.11.1904 in Princely Estate of Kothi,Madhya Pradesh. His father,Late Gajodhar Prasad,was Divan (Prime Minister)of  Kothi Princely Estate. He died when my father was about eight year old. His education was funded by the King.He had his education at Allahabad and Kanpur. He graduated and obtained LL.B Degree in 1920 from Agra University. He served as District Magistrate in Panna Princely Estate,MP and later practiced as Advocate at Fatehpur. He owned agricultural land which gave good support to the family. Apart from his ancestral house in the village at Chakaskaran,he built his own house at Fatehpur. I was born in this house.

In all 12,589,067 corona cases with 01,65,101 deaths and 11,682,136 recoveries were reported till 5th April in India.

Quotable Quotes :"There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supercedes all other courts."Mahatma Gandhi

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