Friday, April 16, 2021


My late father told me in March 91(when he was over 86 years) that different parts of his body had become weak. He did not seem to have strength in them. I told him that his face was shining and eyes were bright. About 20 days later on 6th April we were informed in the morning at Delhi that he was quite sick. I rushed to Fatehpur reaching there by the evening. But he had left us in the forenoon at about 12. The civil Hospital at Fatehpur said that nothing could be done there. My cousin brother and younger sister decided to take him to Kanpur for check-up. On way they noted that he was losing consciousness. In that condition he indicated to my sister to take out artificial teeth. Holding his head in her lap she told him to say 'Ram,Ram'. He continued pulsating. It disappeared after some time. Head was warm for quite some time. When i took his head in my lap at about 8 pm,it was still warm. As he did not have any disease, he fought to live as much as he could. But one cannot fight death.

In all 02,11,915 new corona cases were reported with 15,66,936 active cases till 15th April. Total vaccinations touched 11,,44,93,238.

Quotable Quotes :"Where there is love there is life."Mahatma Gandhi

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