Thursday, October 6, 2016

6th Oct.

Completed morning program. Today I inadvertently left keys inside the flat when i came out to go to court. Had to call a technician to open the door lock and cough out Rs 700/- for his expertise. He took few minutes to open it. Luckily i had not double locked it from inside. In that case,the lock would have had to be broken, according to the technician. We have two keys : one is kept by me and another by Venita. Venita's key had been brought by Shiv Mohan when he came to VV along with me on Monday last. Venita thought his presence was necessary at VV to take care of me,. I had told her it was not necessary . His services could better be utilized at Vikaspuri. As desired by her,he went back today to Vikaspuri, leaving behind Venita's key in the flat. Hence the mix-up.
In the Supreme court from about 2.30 tp 3.30 pm.
Visited Nehru museum  to check the status of my autobiographical sketch, prepared by a reseacher sometime back. Met its new Directer, Shri Sinha, a retired IAS officer, who had worked with former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Quotable Quotes :"You have to think anyway, so why not think big?" Donald Trump

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