Sunday, October 23, 2016

22nd Oct

Viky Behal came. Discussed  billing for consumption of electricity as recorded in a common metre for certain services. Informed him that ground-floor owner has also to pay a part of the bill as per Shri Arvind, Manager Admn of the builders Uppals. Bills for water are not yet received. Requested Viky to take it up with the builders/MCD from his end too and let me know.
While builders were getting electricity bills of the common meter and forwarded to us for payment (which we shared and paid ), they did not, however, send any water bills. I have brought it to the notice Shri Arvind. He supervises maintenance of  buildings constructed by Uppals. He said that he would also check and let me know. Perhaps a huge water bill is expected.
Quotable Quotes:"I get so many big ideas while I'm running and such clarity while I'm lifting weights. And staying fit keeps me happy and positive." Robin S. Sharma

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