Monday, September 26, 2016

26th Sept.

Completed morning program.
Observed Ekadasi fast. The fast is dedicated to the ancestors. The day falls during Pitrapaksha.
Drove to VV. Attended  a Seminar on 'Marginalization & Identity – Roma in Europe, Minorities in India' at the Institute of Social Sciences Vasantkunj. The Romas have claimed linkage with  India's Banjaras.  It was an absorbing discussion, attended by Social scientists of JNU, DU and others.My interest was aroused due to a news item sometime back on the subject. Among the immigrants to UK from other parts of Europe, Romas were mentioned in course of discussion with an Englishman during my last visit to London. He was quite critical of their demeanor.
Quotable Quotes :"The busy have no time for tears." Lord Byron

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