Thursday, September 15, 2016

15th Sept

Completed morning program.
In the Supreme court from 2 to 4 pm.
Today is Akshat's birthday. He is 10. According to Indian calendar, he was born on Friday, Navmi, at 9.57 am of Aswin's Krishnapaksh, Vikram Samvat 2063 in Moolchand hospital, New Delhi, India. It was also Shradha paksh during the period. It corresponded to Gregorian calender's 15th September 2006. It is a Hindu belief that ancestors take births during the Shradha paksh in families. We prayed for his long healthy life. Venita rang up at 7.30 am to wish and bless him but he had already left for the School at 7.
Attended his birthday bash at Gurgram along with Venita. Akshat cut cake to the the singing of Happy birthday to him by all of us including about 10 children, especially selected by him for the occasion. Silku also came.
                             Akshat in the birthday party

Quotable Quotes :"The soul's joy lies in doing." Percy Bysshe Shelley

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