Friday, June 7, 2013

6th June

Completed morning program. Venita along with Ruchi visited Central Court mall at Wimbledon. Retired to sleep at 9 pm.
News of the day from London : 1.A beggar earned about £50000 by begging near Putney. A magistrate imposed a two year anti-social behaviour order banning him begging anywhere in London.
2.Police is to tell insurance firms of unsecured homes.
3.The new Jane Austen College in Norwich is to ban homework to give pupils more time at home with their families.
4.A man found 55 Roman coins with the help of his metal detector . Another 55 coins were found by experts.  These are more than 1500 year old and of the value of £1,00,000. The value will be shared by the owner of the land and the finder of the treasure. 

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