Sunday, September 16, 2012

16th Sept.

Completed morning program partially with a brisk 45 minute walk. Sheomohan went back to Fatehpur yesterday after a stay of about 45 days. He helped Venita in management of the house.
According to a write-up in the Sunday times today at page 11,the new millennium's teens are technology savvy.They spend a good deal of time in social networking.They chat, cut jokes and discuss everything. They, however, discuss their problems only with their parents. They love their parents. But the mother has a slight edge over the father. All our grandchildren were born in the new millennium.They are so different from what we were at their age. Their awareness is much more than what was ours.
The news of the day :The opposition to recently announced economic reforms is dwindling..
Retired to sleep at 10.30 pm

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