Thursday, April 26, 2012

26th April

Completed morning program. Visited CGHSs at North Avenue (Aurvedic) & at Pandara Road (Alopathic).In chamber from 1.15 to 4 pm.
Silku rang up and said that I need not have pointed out the mistake (ref. blog dated 25th April) to the British Visa office.It would have gone unnoticed. Although I had to rush around and make another trip to the Visa office due  to pointing out  of the error, but I thought that it was proper to correct the error. No mess-up would now occur on this count. It has been my experience that truth always helps you in the long run.
I had met Lindstorm in Stockhome in late 80s, but he did not tell all that he told Chitra now as published in IE yesterday... Perhaps he could not talk then due to constraints of Govt.service. Now he is a free man and can talk anything he likes.
Retired to sleep at 10.30 pm     

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