Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Sunita update: In the morning, duty doctor said that it was all clear for discharge of Sunita today. But the senior  doctor who came later said that two more days were needed to normalize Sunita's condition . They are now reducing intravenous steroids levels gradually and expect to reach an oral tablet level by Friday. On the new situation Subhash said,"C'est ls vie" In English it means Such is life. According to Wikipedia C'est ls vie is French expression. Then he said "Que sera sera."In English it meant 'Whatever will be, will be'. It is Italian expression. Subhash was thoroughly disappointed with the new development.

  In all 02,56,419 new corona cases with 32,16,313 active cases and 18,44,53,149 vaccination are reported till 18th May in India.

Quotable Quotes :"Cosmic energy enters the body through the medulla and then passes to the cerebrum, in which it is stored or concentrated."Paramahansa Yogananda

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