Saturday, September 15, 2018

15th Sept

Today is Akshat's birthday. He is 12. According to Indian calendar, he was born on Friday, Navmi, at 9.57 am of Aswin's Krishnapaksh, Vikram Samvat 2063 in Moolchand hospital, New Delhi, India. It was also Shradha paksh during the period. It corresponded to Gregorian calender's 15th September 2006. It is a Hindu belief that ancestors take births during the Shradha paksh in families. We prayed for his long healthy life. We rang up at 7.30 am to wish and bless him. We did not disturb as he was asleep. Neha promised to connect as soon as he woke up. Venita did Puja and distributed sweets to all including helps and guards.
We attended celebration at Pizza hut at Gurugram. Earlier he played some games along with his about 10 friends at Metropolis Mall.
                             Akshat at Pizza hut on his birthday
I had to rush to attend Arsipso AGM from 3.30 pm at RK Puram, New Delhi.Venita stayed back in the celebration. The AGM elected me as Sr.Vice President besides a new President, another VP and members of the Executive committee.
Quotable Quotes :"The comeback is always greater than setback "A wordless man

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